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While the game is severely lacking in polish, I can say you've made some interesting choices with combat.

In most RPG Maker games, the guard command is almost completely useless, but giving it a heal and a lasting defense buff gives it a role. This, and the lack of reliable sources of magic points to make long term use of the healing spell creates a dynamic in the combat system very rarely seen in beginner project.

I encourage you to continue developing, learning functions of the engine and implementing them into a fleshed out experience.

Thank you very much, I'll make sure the next feels more complete and less rough to play! :D

Guard is my favourite! I played around with tweaking it and found it really fun to use like this, especially with the game being so simple, and after adding an enemy that drains your mana bar..

 Thank you so much for the feedback, I'll try my best to keep learning!